Monitoring the Hotwire DSLAM
January 1999
DSL Bridge Screens
Use the Bridge screens to display read-only system information.
" Procedure
To view bridge information:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
2. The Bridge menu appears. Select the submenu option as shown in
Table 5-5 and press Enter.
Table 5-5. Bridge Options (1 of 3)
Bridge Table B-E-A
Displays information on various bridge functions.
Item – Enter the item number you wish to display from 1–16.
VNID – VNID number from 2–4094, in VNID tagged mode. Default = Null in VNID
untagged mode.
Mux Fwd – Enable = traffic forced upstream (Disable = blank).
IP Filter – Enable/Disable.
IP Scoping – Enable/Disable.
Domain Name – Domain name of the card. There can be up to 12 VNID addresses at a
time, with a maximum of 30 characters each.