Configuration Options
April 2000
System Clock
The Primary and Secondary System Clock References determine the clock used
by ports in a cross-connect configuration. For System Clock configuration
options, refer to Table A-8. To access the System Clock screen, follow this menu
selection sequence:
Main Menu →Configuration →Load Configuration From →System Clock
Slot: 18 Model: 87xx
Primary System Clock Reference Internal
Secondary System Clock Reference Internal
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit
All ports configured as system clock sources must be traceable to the same clock
reference. Ports in a cross-connect configuration that are not providing timing
themselves receive their timing from the system clock reference. All ports in a
cross-connect configuration are therefore synchronized to the system clock
The following table shows the system clock reference combinations permitted for
LTUs and NTUs. Choose the most accurate clock available for the Primary
System Clock Reference.
If the Primary System Clock
Reference is . . .
The Secondary System Clock
Reference must be . . .
DSX-1 or G.703 port in
cross-connect mode
H DSX-1 or G.703 port in DS1 Bypass
mode, or
H Internal
DSX-1 or G.703 port in DS1
Bypass mode
H DSX-1 or G.703 port in DS1 Bypass
mode, or
H Internal
Internal Internal
DSL port in cross-connect mode DSL port in cross-connect mode
Internal Internal