May 2000
Assigning Time Slots/Cross Connections
The Time Slot Assignment/Cross Connect feature provides an easy method
of assigning time slots for frame relay data and creating cross-connections to the
synchronous data interface. The system allows you to assign DS0s on the T1
network interface and between the user data port and network interface in order
to share the T1 network.
Based upon the setting of Service Type on the Easy Install screen, the following
cross-connection assignments can be made:
H Service Type set to Frame Relay – Frame relay links to the network
interface time slots.
H Service Type set to Leased Line – Synchronous data port to the network
interface time slots.
You can also clear cross-connection assignments for the unit, or for a selected
Although it is not required, it is suggested that you progress through each
screen in order, from top to bottom.
Use the following procedures to assign cross connections.
Assigning Frame Relay Time Slots to the Network Interface
Before assigning network time slots for use by frame relay traffic, configure
the network physical and frame relay options (if needed), then allow Time Slot
Discovery to autodetect and assign the appropriate time slots to frame relay.
If Time Slot Discovery is not currently active, you can manually assign time slots
on the network interface for frame relay traffic using the Frame Relay Network
Assignments screen. This screen is read-only when Time Slot Discovery is set to
Enable for the network interface.
If Service Type is set to Frame Relay, which is the default, the Frame Relay
Network 1 Assignment screen appears.
Main Menu
Easy Install
Time Slot Assignment Screen