9128-A2-GB20-80 September 2002
Address, 4-103
default destination, 4-75
filtering, 5-15
node information, 4-74
options processing, 5-5
ping test, 8-35
routing, 5-3
CLI commands, C-8
Routing Table, 1-7, 7-48
NMS, 4-87
IP Address, 4-78, 4-99, 4-102
distributing to other FrameSavers, 4-72
Ethernet port, 4-94
NMS number, 4-87, 4-89
Node, 4-74
IP address
validation, 4-76
IP addressing
limiting SNMP access, 6-11
IP Enabled
DLCI performance statistics, 7-59
DLCI Type, 4-65
SLV performance statistics, 7-54
availability traps, 4-93
Active, 7-21
backup, 1-8
BRI DBM, 1-8
troubleshooting problems, 8-17
controlling access, 6-5
DBM connector, E-17
DBM operation, 7-72
Link Profile Invalid, 7-22, 8-8
Network Failed, 7-22, 8-8
physical options, 4-45
PRI DBM, 1-8
setting up link profiles, 4-49
updating software, 7-78
verifying line, 7-74
keyboard keys, 2-6
CLI navigation, 2-10
keyboard, 2-6
screen function, 2-5, 2-7
Lamp Test, 7-27, 8-40
adapter and cable, E-10
land bug prevention, 5-15
last reset, 7-19
latency, 1-10
round trip
setting threshold, 4-30
traps, 4-93
LEDs, 8-2, 8-14
9126 faceplate and screen, 7-5
9128 faceplate and screen, 7-7
and control leads
displaying, 7-4
descriptions, 7-8
async terminal access, 6-2
dial-in access, 6-4
FTP access, 6-7
SNMP access, 6-9
through IP addresses, 6-11
Telnet access, 6-6
Build Out (LBO), 4-35, 4-47
Coding Format, 4-34, 4-43
Equalization, 4-44
Framing Format, 4-34, 4-43, 4-46
Loopback, 8-27
Status, 7-39
Line Loopback, 8-31, 8-33
Destination, 4-69–4-70
frame relay statistics, 7-60
maximum ISDN rate, 4-50
Name, 4-49
Operating Mode, 7-40
Profile Disabled, 7-22, 8-8
Protocol, 4-100, 4-102
setting up ISDN profiles, 4-49
Source, 4-68
Status, 4-49
Traps, 4-90
Traps Interfaces, 4-90
troubleshooting management, 8-5
TS Management, 4-75
linkUp and linkDown
events, 4-90
traps, B-10
LLB, 8-27, 8-31, 8-33