3. Configuration Options
3-64 December 2002 9000-A2-GB31-00
Manually Configuring DLCI Records
The Auto-Configuration feature automatically configures DLCI Records and their
PVC Connections. DLCI Records can also be created manually (see Table 3-26,
DLCI Record Options).
Main Menu
→Configuration →[Network/Data Port/ISDN/Virtual Router Ports]
→DLCI Records
Available paths to DLCI Records Options depend on the Service Type and
FrameSaver model:
n DLCI Records is not an option on the Network menu unless Service Type is
Frame Relay
n Data Port is available only on CSU/DSUs
n ISDN is available only when the FrameSaver unit has an ISDN DBM installed
n Virtual Router Ports is available only on the FrameSaver SLV Router
Typically, DLCI Records only need to be configured when building Management
PVCs between the NOC and the central site unit; the unit automatically configures
non-management DLCI Records and PVC Connections.
Table 3-26. DLCI Record Options (1 of 4)
DLCI Number
Possible Settings: 16 – 1007
Default Setting: Initially blank; no default.
Specifies the number for the DLCI in the DLCI record. The parameter determines which
DLCI record is used for transferring data on a particular frame relay interface. DLCI
numbers range from 0to1023. However, the numbers 0 – 15 and 1008 – 1023 are
reserved. Entry of an invalid number results in the error message Value Out of Range
(16–1007). If the DLCI number is part of a connection, this field is read-only.
– If a DLCI number is not entered, the DLCI record is not created.
– The DLCI number entered must be unique for the interface.
– Changing settings for this configuration option causes the FrameSaver unit to abort
any active frame relay tests.
16 – 1007 – Specifies the DLCI number (inclusive).