2. Basic Configuration
2-16 December 2002 9000-A2-GB31-00
When a Frame Relay Discovery Mode is changed and saved, the Saving will
cause Auto-Configuration to update and Restart. Are you sure?
prompt appears. N
o is the default for this prompt.
n If Yes (y) is entered, the Delete All DLCIs and PVC Connections?
prompt appears. N
o is the default for this prompt.
— If Y
es is entered, all multiplexed DLCIs and PVC Connections are deleted,
except for Management PVCs with the user data port as the primary
destination and the Management PVC that is designated as TS
Management Link.
— If N
o is entered, previously discovered and auto-configured option settings
will not be removed, but configuration updates due to LMI response
messages are performed according to the just saved mode setting.
n If No (n) is entered, or if you exit the screen without responding to the prompt,
no Auto-Configuration updates are performed and updates due to LMI
response messages are performed according to the previously saved setting.
Automatically Removing a Circuit
Using the automatic circuit removal feature, which comes enabled, network DLCIs
and PVCs can be automatically removed from the unit’s configuration when the
network service provider no longer supports them. Automatic deletion is based
upon information from a LMI full status response on an active frame relay link.
When this feature is set to:
n Enable – The following will be automatically removed from the unit’s
— Unsupported network DLCIs and PVC connections that include
multiplexed network DLCIs.
— Standard network DLCIs that are Payload Managed or IP Enabled.
— Unsupported standard network DLCIs that are not configured as the
primary destination in a management PVC.
— Non-management PVCs in which unsupported standard network DLCIs
are included.
— DLCIs not included in three consecutive LMI full status response
— LMI status responses that indicate a Deleted status for the DLCI.
All configured options relating to the deleted circuits are also deleted and they
revert to their default settings.
A DLCI will not be deleted if the physical interface or frame relay link is down,
or if the DLCI is used for the TS Management Link.
n Disable – Unused network DLCIs, PVC connections, and management PVCs
must be manually removed.
If the model has ISDN backup capability, ISDN Link Profiles associated with
the deleted records and alternate destinations will be deleted, as well.