1. Introduction
3160-A2-GB24-10 March 2001
Table 1-1. Standalone DSU/CSU Rear Panel Connectors
Name Function
POWER Supplies power to the DSU/CSU by providing an
attachment for the ac power module or, for the Model 3164,
the optional dc power cable (+24 or –48 Vdc).
PORTs 1–4 Used to connect the customer’s synchronous data DTE to
the DSU/CSU.
AUX PORT (Model 3164) Supports SNMP LAN Adapter or daisy-chain connections.
(Models 3160 and 3165)
Supports connection to an Ethernet LAN.
COM Provides access to a locally connected PC, ASCII terminal
or printer, SNMP management link, or async terminal
MODEM Provides a connection to the integral modem for access to
a remotely connected PC, ASCII terminal or printer, SNMP
management link, or async terminal interface.
EXT CLK (Model 3160) or
CLOCK IN (Model 3164)
Used to attach an external clock to the DSU/CSU.
DSX-1 (Model 3160) or
DTE (Model 3164)
Provides access to the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
NETWORK Provides access to the T1 network.