February 2003 4-7
1000-A2-GN22-00 4. Troubleshooting
2. Refer to Table 4–4 when troubleshooting the CP module.
3. Refer to Table 4–5 when troubleshooting the MP module.
4. Refer toTable 4–6 when troubleshooting the TDM T1
5. Refer to Table 4–7 when troubleshooting the ATM module.
6. Refer to Table 4–8 when troubleshooting the LAN port.
Voice/Data Interruption
Do not press the RST button on the CP module. Doing so
resets the CPX shelf and interrupts all calls.
Table 4–4. CP Module Troubleshooting
Symptom Probable Causes Corrective Action
PWR indicator is off. CPX is not powered up. Verify CPX is receiving –48 Vdc
from plant battery.
CP module did not
initialize properly upon
system power-up.
Turn CPX rear circuit breaker off,
then on again to cycle power and
CP module is faulty. Replace module (Hot Swapping CP
and HSC Cards on page 5-11).