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iv July 2003 8620-A2-GN20-40
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Appendix B, Technical
Lists Technical Specifications for the Hotwire 8620
Glossary Defines terms and acronyms used in this document.
Index Lists key terms, concepts, and sections in alphabetical
Section Description
Document Number Document Title
6050-A2-GZ40 Hotwire Central Office Universal POTS Splitter, Models 6050
and 7020, Installation Instructions
8000-A2-GB22 Hotwire Management Communications (MCC) Card, IP
Conservative, User’s Guide
8000-A2-GB26 Hotwire MVL, ReachDSL, RADSL, IDSL, and SDSL Cards,
Models 8310, 8312/8314, 8510/8373/8374, 8323/8324, and
8343/8344, User’s Guide
8000-A2-GZ40 Hotwire MCC Card, IP Conservative, Installation Instructions
8021-A2-GB20 Hotwire Shelf Concentration Module (SCM) Card User’s Guide
8021-A2-GZ40 Hotwire Shelf Concentration Module (SCM) Card Installation
8303-A2-GZ40 Hotwire 8303/8304 IDSL Cards Installation Instructions
8312-A2-GZ40 Hotwire 8312/8314 MVL and ReachDSL/MVL Cards Installation
8335-A2-GB20 Hotwire ATM Line Cards, Models 8335, 8355, 8365, and 8385,
User’s Guide
8335-A2-GZ40 Hotwire ATM Line Cards, Models 8335, 8355, 8365, and 8385,
Installation Instructions
8343-A2-GZ40 Hotwire 8343/8344 Packet SDSL Cards Installation Instructions
8373-A2-GZ40 Hotwire 8373/8374 RADSL Cards Installation Instructions
8400-A2-GB20 Hotwire Shelf Concentration and Processing (SCP) Card User’s
8400-A2-GZ40 Hotwire Shelf Concentration and Processing (SCP) Card
Installation Instructions