A. Configuration Options
May 2002 8700-A2-GB20-40
Table A-9. Cross-Connect Mode Options – Model 8777
Cross-Connect Mode
Possible Settings: DS1 Bypass, DS1 Cross-connect, DS0 Cross-connect,
Unassigned, Disabled
Default Setting: DS1 Bypass
Determines the cross-connect mode for the port.
DS1 Bypass – The entire DSX-1 interface is connected directly to the DSL interface.
DS1 Cross-connect – The entire DSX-1 interface is connected through cross-connect
circuitry to the DSL port.
DS0 Cross-connect – Individual time slots of the DSX-1 interface may be connected to
any time slot of any of the DSL interfaces.
Unassigned – None of the time slots associated with the port are assigned.
Disabled – The DSX-1 port is disabled. No time slot assignments can be made to the
port. To enable the port use the DSX-1 Interface screen. This value is displayed but
cannot be entered.
DSL Port
Possible Settings: 1 – 8, Unassigned
Default Setting: [Blank]
Determines the DSL port that is cross-connected to the specified DSX-1 port.
1 – 8 – The DSL interface that is cross-connected to the DSX-1 interface.
Unassigned – None of the time slots associated with the DSX-1 interface is assigned to a
DSL port.