B. Configuration Defaults and Command Line Shortcuts
6300-A2-GB20-10 November 2003
Command Line Shortcuts
Te xt in bold is the minimum input for each command line entry.
syslog status disabled page 6-2
telnet disabled page A-21
telnet keep-alive disabled page A-22
telnet keep-alive interval 900 seconds page A-22
telnet keep-alive timeout 30 minutes page A-22
telnet login disabled page A-21
telnet timeout 5 minutes page A-22
test start (trap) disabled page A-23
test stop (trap) disabled page A-23
traceroute data size 64 bytes page 6-7
traceroute time-out 10 seconds page 6-7
traceroute max number of hops 8 page 6-7
warmstart (trap) disabled page A-23
Table B-1. Default Configuration Settings (3 of 3)
Configuration Option Factory Default Setting See . . .
Table B-2. Command Line Shortcuts (1 of 4)
1483encap [ llc | vc]
admin {enable | disable}
apply download
arp create ip-addr mac-addr
arp delete ip-addr
arp timeout complete [time]
arp timeout incomplete [time]
arp purge
autologout {enable | disable}
bridge aging-timeout [time]
bridge {enable | disable}
bridge priority [priority]
clear statistics [dsl1 | eth1 | ip | bridge | pppoe | tftp]