DLCI Records
Select DLCI Records to manually configure DLCI records for each interface. The
Auto-Configuration feature provides automatic configuration of DLCI records.
Select DLCI Records to configure the DLCI Records for the following interfaces:
H Network
H Data Port
The Auto-Configuration feature provides automatic DLCI record configuration.
DLCI Records for Each Interface
Configuration Option Settings Default in [Bold]
DLCI Number 16–1007
DLCI Type Standard, Multiplexed
[Standard] for DLCIs on user data ports.
[Multiplexed] for network and ISDN interfaces.
CIR (bps) 0–1536000 [64000]
Tc This field displays the committed rate
measurement interval to be used for the DLCI
based upon the displayed option settings.
Committed Burst Size Bc (Bits) [CIR], Other
Bc 0–1536000 [64000]
Excess Burst Size Be (Bits)
Be 0–1536000 [1472000]
DLCI Priority Low, Medium, [High]
Outbound Management Priority Low, [Medium], High