Connecting the Uplink Lines
To connect the SMD2000-24T to T1 service:
1. Configure the T1 uplinks.
No configuration is necessary for the SMD2000-24T to operate at default settings.
However, if you wish to run uplinks at settings other than the SMD2000-24T
defaults, configure the uplinks prior to connection. Parameter settings may be
changed using the Command Line Interface (CLI), Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP), or the web-based management system. T1 Uplink Parameter
Defaults on page 15 lists the device defaults for the T1 uplinks. Product
Documentation Online on page 3 lists the user interface manuals.
2. Plug your T1 cable into an RJ48C T1 uplink port on the SMD2000-24T faceplate.
For most applications, a straight-through T1 cable is required. A connection to Port
2 is shown.
3. Connect to the remote T1 equipment. The SMD2000-24T requires only one uplink
connection for operational purposes, although a second T1 uplink connection may
be desired for redundancy. Additionally, the two T1 uplink ports may be bonded
together for a single connection as long as the remote T1 equipment is loop
bonding capable. Refer to Product to Product T1 Loop Bonding Compatibility,
(Document Number COMP-A2-GK44) for a list of loop bonding capable products.
Using two T1 lines for one uplink connection nets twice the speed and data passing
capability of a single-line T1 connection. Additionally, use of a second T1 line
provides automatic backup should one of the lines experience problems or become
A single line T1 uplink connection may be established between T1 Port 1 or T1
Port 2 and any standard T1 provider equipment.
4. Verify Your Connections. The Port 1 Link (LK) LED flashing or pulsing green
indicates that a T1 Port 1 uplink connection has been established. The Port 2 Link
(LK) LED flashing or pulsing green indicates that a T1 Port 2 uplink connection has
been established.