You will then have to use your audio player to control the music
playing (selection of music files, Fast forwarding/rewinding…).
Press the Play button of the Parrot PMK5800 to momentarily
stop playback (only if your car radio and your phone are correctly
Updating the software
You can update the software of your Parrot PMK5800 by
Bluetooth. Simply enable this mode before updating.
The update is performed by Bluetooth from a computer
equipped with Bluetooth.
Updating provides access to new features and improves
compatibility with an even wider range of phones.
For further information, visit our website to download the latest
software version: www.parrot.com.
Our hotline is at your disposal. You can contact the hotline
by email or telephone. Visit our website at www.parrot.com
for further information.
Italie : [+39] 02 86 39 14 63
Espagne : [+34] 902 404 202
UK : [+44] (0)870 112 5872
Allemagne : 0900 172 77 68
USA : [+1] (877) 9 Parrot (toll-free)
Chine : [+86] (0)21 6460 1944
Hong Kong: [+852] 2736 1169
France : 01 48 03 60 69
Europe : [+33] 1 48 03 60 69 (spoken languages : English,
French, Spanish and German).