Overview 30
SmartNode 10200 Series User Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management
This chapter explains how to connect the SmartNode 10200 to the network, and how to access and manage
the SmartNode Web Interface. Refer to the following sections for more details on:
• “Accessing the SN10200” on page 30
• “Accessing and Navigating the Web Interface” on page 34
• “Managing Users” on page 36
• “Managing the Database Backup” on page 39
• “Working with Configurations” on page 41
For more detailed information about working with specific applications and
configurations, refer to the Smart Media Software Configuration Guide
located online at www.patton.com/manuals/SmartMedia_SCG.pdf
Accessing the SN10200
You may access the SmartNode through the console management port, or through the Ethernet management
port. Refer to the following sections for more information:
• “Accessing the SmartNode via the Console Management port” on page 30
• “Accessing the SmartNode via the Ethernet Management port” on page 33
Accessing the SmartNode via the Console Management port
Logging into the SmartNode Console
1. To physically connect the console serial port, follow the instructions in “Connecting to the console serial
port” on page 20.
2. To communicate with the SN10200 through the console port, you must first configure a terminal emula-
tor or console application (such as HyperTerminal or Putty) in order to configure initial settings. Config-
ure the terminal emulator with the following settings:
3. Log into the console using the specific credentials included on the sheet that shipped with your unit. The
factory default configuration for the Ethernet interface IP addresses and network masks are listed below.
Baud rate Data rate Parity Stop bits Flow control
9600 8 bits None 1 None
IP Address Network Mask
Ethernet Management (ETH 0/0) DHCP
DHCP address range–