font, OCRA style B-6
font, standard style B-5
format A-2
format header 3-2
hex graphic packet 5-16
immediate command 2-16
incrementing/decrementing field
option 4-12
inquiry response 7-2
job request 7-8
job response 0 - 2 7-9
job response 3 7-10
job response 4 7-12
memory configuration packet F 2-21
mode command 2-2
monetary formatting packet D 2-13
monospaced font magnification B-4
packet control characters E 2-14
padding data 4-7
print control packet C 2-12
printer configuration uploaded 2-7
proportional font magnification B-6
run length graphic packet 5-17
sequential method downloading 6-9
supply setup packet B 2-10
system setup packet A 2-9
text field 3-3
scalable font B-9
buffer 2-24
formats B-9
customizing check digits 4-14
using option 51 4-10
defining 3-19
selecting bar code type 3-11
selector, check digit
description of 4-14
sending immediate commands 2-16
sequential downloading
explained 6-9
serial communication2-2
backfeed distance 2-19
battery voltage 2-12
baud rate 2-18
dispense position 2-19
feed mode 2-10
flow control 2-18
format number 3-2
language 2-9
margin position 2-12
monetary symbol 2-13
number of decimal places 2-13
online mode 2-9
parity 2-18
print contrast 2-12
print position 2-12
print speed 2-12
printhead width 2-12
ribbon 2-10
serial communication 2-2
stop bits 2-18
supply size 3-2
supply type/position 2-10
unit of measure 3-2
word length 2-18
size of
monospaced fonts B-4
proportaional fonts B-6
smart imaging 9-1
soft fonts
definition of term 1-2
source field, of copy data 4-5
special characters, using with batch
data 6-4
speed adjustment selection 2-12
standard features 1-1
standard fonts, list of B-1
status polling
overview 7-1
stop bits selection 2-18
storage device 5-8
images 5-8
images in RAM 5-8
sum of digits calculation 4-16