6. Press E. You will see
Enable Password?
l No
The default for password protection is "No," so you will
always see "No" even if passwords are enabled.
7. If you do not want the user to enter a password before they
can delete formats, graphics or fonts, press E. You return
to the User Diagnostics Menu.
Press R to display "Yes" and press E. The password
protection is enabled for formats, graphics or fonts. You
return to the User Diagnostics Menu.
8. Press e twice to exit to the Main Menu.
Deleting Formats, Graphics or Fonts
To delete batches, formats, graphics or fonts if password
protection is enabled:
1. From the Main Menu, press L or R until you see
Cancel All r
2. Press E. You will see
Cancel Batches?
No r
Press e if you do not want to cancel batches. You return
to the Main Menu, OR
Press R to display "Yes" and press E. All batches in the
print queue are canceled.
Diagnostics 8-5