Setting Up the Printer 2-9
Setting the Supply Position
This function adjusts the printer to print at the vertical 0,0 point on the
Note: The supply position adjustment should only be made on initial
printer setup. For format adjustments, change the print
You may need to adjust the supply in or out to allow supplies to be
removed. The adjustments are in dots (0.0049 inch). The range is
–300 to +300 and the default is 0.
1. From the Config Menu, press ← or → until you see
13. Set Supply Position
5. Press Enter. You see
Enter supply pos
[-300/300] +0
6. Press ← or → to change the contrast in increments of 1 dot.
Press ↑ or ↓ to change the contrast in increments of 10 dots.
Pressing ← or ↓ decreases the value (feeds less supply); ← or ↑
increases it (feeds more supply).
7. When you are finished, press Enter. You return to the
Config Menu.
Resetting the Configuration
To change all configurations back to the default settings:
1. From the Main Menu, press
. You see
Reset Defaults – Are you
sure? Y/N
2. Press Y. The application returns to the default settings. This may
take a few minutes.
When it is finished resetting, you return to the Main Menu.