Telnet Console Commands A-3
General Commands
From the list of commands, the brackets - [] indicate to pick one of the
options listed, the items inside curly braces - {} are optional and do not need
to be specified.
For help at any time, type “Help” and a list of available commands appears.
The Help command builds on itself, because for each command you type,
more details appear for each option.
Help set
DEFAULT Set parameters to factory defaults
Enet Ethernet Parameters
LOAd Firmware update parameters
PAssword <password> Set console password
PORT <name> Parameter for port <name>
PROtect <password> Set update password
SERVEr Server and LAT parameters
SERVIce <name> Service Parameters
SNMP SNMP Variables
STRing n "..." BOT/EOT string
NETWare Netware Parameters
APPletalk AppleTalk Parameters
IP LPD/TCP Parameters
POP3 POP3 Parameters
SMTP SMTP Parameters
DLC DLC Parameters
NetBEUI NetBEUI Parameters
NetBIOS NetBIOS Parameters
Displays a list of the available help commands for “Set.”