How This Manual Is Organized
Chapter 1 Gives a basic overview about your printer.
Chapter 2 Tells you what you need to do and know before
using the printer.
Describes how to operate the printer to
receive records and print labels.
Chapter 3 It also describes data entry features available
in your model.
Chapter 4 Provides procedures for using special
operating functions.
Chapter 5 Provides information about the care maintenance
of your printer.
Chapter 6 Contains error messages you may see while
using your printer and troubleshooting
Chapter 7 Provides specifications about your printer. It
also has a listing of accessories you may use
with your printer.
Operator is the individual printing and applying labels.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are for the Operator.
Chapter 4 is for the supervisor setting the options of the printer.