7/21/98 Using Memory Cards 2-1
You can use an AT-Attachment (ATA) memory card with the
appropriate device drivers to add memory to the printer. The card goes
in the printer’s PC-card slot. The application treats the memory card
as another disk drive.
Memory cards are flash-based. They have a built-in processor to track
bad locations and maximize flash life (ensuring no location is
Available memory cards come in 4, 8, 20, and 40 MB sizes.
Configuring Memory Cards
The following procedure describes how to configure memory cards.
Refer to the Programmer’s Manual for more information.
Place the following files (located in the SDK’s DOS sub-directory)
in the application disk image’s root directory:
Name Description
ATAINIT.EXE Memory card partition utility.
GENATA.CLB Generic configuration library for the memory
CSALLOC.INI Initialization file for CSALLOC.EXE.
CARDID.INI Initialization file for CARDID.EXE. This file
contains references to configuration libraries
(.CLB files) for the memory card. At a
minimum, this file must refer to GENATA.CLB.
SSELAN.EXE SystemSoft Socket Services.
CS.EXE SystemSoft Card Services.
CSALLOC.EXE SystemSoft Card Allocation Module.
ATADRV.EXE Memory card driver.
CARDID.EXE Memory card ID driver.