
P/N: 4809606
©2005 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
06SEP05 v4.0 FordV10(4809606v4.0)
A. We know that you are anxious to get out and
drive your new vehicle, but please take a little
bit more time to perform these simple check-
out steps.
B. Now that the work is done, it’s time to enjoy.
PAXTON Automotive wants to thank you for
choosing our product, and wants to remind you
that the performance and response of your vehi-
Section 7
A. Inspect all wiring harnesses and electrical connections. Make sure
that all items are properly routed, connected and secured.
B. Check all hoses, lines, and fittings for properly secured connections.
C. Make certain all fasteners, brackets, and clamps are installed and
properly tightened.
D. Check serpentine accessory belt and supercharger drive belts for
proper tension and alignment.
E. Cycle ignition key from “off” to the “on” position.
F. Check the entire fuel system for possible leaks.
G. Start engine and verify that the oil pressure is within normal range.
H. Allow the engine to come up to normal operating temperature.
I. Check the coolant level in the coolant recovery bottle and top off as
J. Check the following:
Fluid Leaks
Fluid Levels
Belt Slippage
Throttle Response
cle is now different than what you are used to.
Please drive cautiously until you have grown
accustomed to the feel of your vehicle.
C. Please see the service manual included in your
kit for information on the service and mainte-
nance of your PAXTON Supercharger. Belt
tightening, troubleshooting, special tuning
requirements, and warranty information is also
included in the Service Manual.