Generalmusic PRO 1/PRO 2 Page 27
12. Auto Wah-Wah
Auto Wah-Wah is a classic effect from the vintage keyboard era. The effect can be applied to a single sound or
to either of the two sounds in a layer or split. Use the DATA slider to assign the effect. The “Auto Wah-Wah”
effect is particularly effective on CLAVI and E. PIANO sounds.
13. Microtuning
This feature allows you to select from a variety of alternative tunings. The selection available is as follows;
EQUAL Equal temperament tuning.
PIANO 1 Preferred Stretch tuning method adopted by piano tuners.
PIANO 2 Another popular tuning method favoured by piano tuners.
MEANTONE Actually, “Meantone C”. A mathematically accurate tuning to optimize the notes of
the C scale.
KIRNBERGER Popular alternate classical tuning.
TARTINI-VALOTTI Popular alternate classical tuning.
USER See “User Tuning” below.
(PRO 2 model only) User Tuning
Using this function, you can accurately retune every note of the instrument to recreate a preferred tuning. It is
even possible to have a professional piano tuner create any tuning of your choice by using this simple feature.
After using the DATA slider to select MICROTUNING - USER from PERF EDIT page 13, you are ready to
create your personal tuning preset. The operation of this function is very simple. Press any key on the keyboard.
The screen will “catch” the key that you played. Fig. 1 shows the screen after the key C5 has been played;
Fig.1: Creating a USER tuning temperament
USER C5 = 00
You can now repeatedly play this key and adjust its tuning with the DATA slider. When you have finished
tuning this key, simply press another key and proceed as before.
When you have finished tuning all of the keys you need, simply press PERF EDIT, to escape from the edit
screen. If you want to reset the user tuning, (this procedure will program the user tuning to be the same as the
EQUAL temperament), this can be done from the “Restore Tuning” function under the MASTER/MIDI button.
See section 5 of this manual for more details.