
HHuumm && NNooiissee
OOuuttppuutt RReessiidduuaall NNooiissee SS//NN RRaattiioo ((RReeff.. ++44 ddBBuu)) TTeesstt CCoonnddiittiioonnss
Master L/R -100 dBu 104 dB All faders down
Mono -85 dBu 89 dB Master fader nominal, All channels muted
-80 dBu 84 dBu All controls nominal‚ mic gain min.
Left/Right -100 dBu 104 dB All faders down
-85 dBu 89 dB Master Fader Nominal‚ Ch. Faders Down‚ Ch. Muted
-80 dBu 84 dBu All controls nominal‚ mic gain min.
(Hum & Noise measurements: 22 Hz to 22 kHz BW)
Mic input gain adjustment range: 0 dB to 57 dB
Mic input to any output: 74 dB (max. gain)
Stereo Channel in to any output: 36 dB (max. gain)
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee
Mic input to L/R output: 20 Hz to 20 kHz (+0 dB / -1 dB)
TToottaall HHaarrmmoonniicc DDiissttoorrttiioonn ((TTHHDD))
< 0.05%, 20 Hz to 20 kHz Mic to Left/Right Output (22 Hz to 22 kHz BW)
EEqquuiivvaalleenntt IInnppuutt NNooiissee ((EEIINN))
-129 dBu ( input terminated with 150 ohms‚ max gain)
> 80 dB adjacent input channels (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
> 70 dB Left to Right outputs (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
CCoommmmoonn MMooddee RReejjeeccttiioonn RRaattiioo ((mmiicc iinnppuutt
60 dB min. (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
70 dB typ. @ 1 kHz
12-segment peak reading (0 dB = +4 dBu)
SSiiggnnaall//OOvveerrllooaadd IInnddiiccaattoorrss
Red LED illuminates 2 dB below clipping
Hum & Noise: -97 dB below rated output
Damping Factor: > 100 @ 1 kHz‚ 4 Ohms
Input Impedance: 4.7 k Ohms
DDiimmeennssiioonnss (( HH xx WW xx DD))
S-24: 28.250" (71.8 cm) Wide
17.250" (43.8 cm) Deep: on table top
6.250" (15.9 cm) High: on table top
S-24: 25.7 lbs. (11.7 kg)
PPoowweerr RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
S-24: DOM: 120VAC 60 Hz 55 W Nominal