The Studio Pro M2 can be used as a
main microphone for orchestra
recordings, as a spot mic for single
instruments, and as a vocal microphone
for all types of music and speech.
The large gold-plated diaphragm capsule
has a very smooth frequency response
for all polar patterns. The microphone
can be used very close to a sound source
without the sound becoming unnaturally
harsh. By means of a switchable high-
pass filter, interference through subsonic
and low frequencies are reduced
remarkably. As such, this switch cuts the
low frequency response reducing the
proximity effect.
An additional switch is added for use in
high SPL applications. This 10 dB
attenuation switch enables the
microphone to handle sound pressure
levels up to 140 dB.
Position the M2 so that the side with the
LED and Peavey logo faces the source.
The M2 is equipped with three switches,
one for mic pickup patterns, one for high
SPL applications and the other for
reduction in proximity effect and to
reduce low frequencies that can make an
instrument sound dull or muddy.
Determine which of these conditions
you’re needing to mic and make the
appropriate selection.
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rreeccoommmmeennddeedd ttoo cchhaannggee aa sswwiittcchh
sseelleeccttiioonn wwiitthhoouutt ffiirrsstt rreedduucciinngg tthhee mmiixxeerr
The M2 is equipped with a swivel
mount to secure the microphone to a
floor or boom stand. The internal shock
mount provides good isolation but for
greater reduction of noise from external
vibrations use the optional elastic shock
mount which can be purchased from
your local authorized Peavey dealer.
For details, refer to the
warranty statement. Copies of
this statement may be obtained
by contacting Peavey Electronics
Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian,
Mississippi 39301-2898.