4-6 C1510M-A (2/03) SECTION 4
Monitor output use (local or tie line) is set
up for each monitor output line in the SAT
Monitor programming menu. In this portion
of our system example, we are concerned
only with those outputs configured as tie
lines. Video inputs to the SAT are place
upon these tie line in requested to (1)
operator initiated requests from a System
9760 keyboard users or (2) as the result of
alarm activated requests to place the
associated camera display on a tie line
(see Section 3, 3.2 9760-SAT Alarm
5. Run tie lines from the chosen monitor-out BNCs on the SAT to available input video BNCs on the rear of the CM9760-MXB (matrix bay).
Note the physical inputs (the actual physical port number) to which these tie lines
are run and then configure the appropriate files and menus (as shown below).