C603M-A (11/07) 25
The NET5301T-I video encoder is designed to operate from either a 12 VDC or a 24 VAC power supply. It automatically senses power type and
polarity (DC).
The NET5301T-I can be powered from many sources:
• NET5301PS power supply connects directly to the 4-pin connector on the NET5301T-I rear panel.
• The RK5100PS-5U rack mount kit supplies power through the 4-pin connector on the NET5301T-I rear panel as soon as the unit slides
into place.
• The Pelco MCS (B model), WCS (B model), and TF Series power supplies provide power through a 2-pin terminal block (supplied) that plugs
into the 2-pin connector on the NET5301T-I rear panel.
• Other UL Listed direct plug-in power units marked “Class 2” and rated for 12 VDC ±10% or 24 VAC ±10% provide power through a 2-pin
terminal block (supplied) that plugs into the 2-pin connector on the NET5301T-I rear panel.
The power consumption of the NET5301T-I is 14.5 W (24.2 VA).
Use Table D to help identify the necessary wire gauge and maximum cable distance. This table applies to 2-conductor solid copper wire. (Reduce
distance by 10 percent for stranded copper wire.) These maximum distances are based on a maximum allowable voltage drop of 10 percent.
Table D. Recommended Wire Gauge and Maximum Wiring Distances
Wire Gauge Maximum Distance
12 VDC 24 VAC
20 AWG (0.5 mm
) 49 ft (14 m) 196 ft (59 m)
18 AWG (1.0 mm
) 78 ft (23 m) 312 ft (95 m)
16 AWG (1.5 mm
) 124 ft (37 m) 496 ft (151 m)
14 AWG (2.5 mm
) 197 ft (60 m) 788 ft (240 m)
12 AWG (4.0 mm
) 312 ft (95 m) 1,251 ft (381 m)
10 AWG (6.0 mm
) 496 ft (151 m) 1,986 ft (605 m)