C1528M-F (6/05) 93
Table J. ASCII Commands (Continued)
Ends the zone program
These commands start and stop scans.
Auxiliaries are relay outputs that can be controlled through the protocol 1-3
operate the AUX 1-2 and F3 auxiliaries on the rear panel of the CM6800E (and
the first three auxiliaries on an external REL2064). 4-256 operate the external
auxiliaries on up to four REL2064 Relay Interface Units.
Operates auxiliaries at the camera (receiver).
Starts the selected macro.
Stops the selected macro.
Acknowledges an existing alarm.
These commands arm and disarm system alarms.
An ASCII device can send these commands through the CM6800E to control
alarms in an external alarm device, such as an ALM2064 Alarm Interface Unit.
NOTE: These commands do not affect internal alarms on the CM6800E rear
If you configure a CM6800E port to report alarms to an ASCII device, the
CM6800E reports the alarm information using these commands.
NOTE: The alarm number (#) reported by the CM6800 is based on the logical
alarm number defined in the Logical Alarm Number screen. Refer to Assign a
Logical Alarm Number in the Alarm Programming section.
These commands control a Genex multiplexer connected to the CM6800.
Sends a camera title to the matrix switching system. You can only send one
camera title at a time.
Valid characters in the string are A-Z, a-z, space, and 0-9 in ASCII representa-
tion. Strings are limited to 20 characters.
Returns the version number of the device.
Sets the date and time. Since the date and time string could be confused with
other commands, the command Za comes first. This puts the receiving device
into a mode that can accept the specialized string.
NOTE: All transmitted characters must be ASCII.
Desired Action
End zone
Begin random scan
Begin frame scan
Stop scan
Auxiliary on
Auxiliary off
Camera auxiliary on
Camera auxiliary off
Start macro
Stop macro
Acknowledge alarm
Arm internal alarm
Arm external alarm
Arm video loss alarm
Disarm internal alarm
Disarm external alarm
Disarm video loss alarm
Trigger an alarm
Clear an alarm
Acknowledge an alarm
An alarm is triggered
An alarm is cleared
An alarm is acknowledged
Select a MUX camera
Display picture-in-picture view
Display four-camera mode
Display nine-camera mode
Display 16-camera mode
Digital mode zoom
Digital mode pan left
Digital mode pan right
Digital mode tilt up
Digital mode tilt down
Send camera title
Set date and time