12 Pelco Manual C539M-A (12/01)
Installation of the CM9760-CXTA translator is relatively simple (refer to Figure 12). It is rack
mountable in a standard 19-inch (48.26 cm) rack, using only one RU of vertical rack space.
Once the unit is physically mounted, cable hookup in accordance with the configuration be-
ing interfaced, is the next item on the installation list.
Figure 12. Rack Mounting for the CM9760-CXTA
The number of installation configurations that can be entertained using the CXTA depends
on the controller types available (there are three main types) and on the configuration capa-
bilities of the CXTA itself. We must also mention a fourth type that uses the CM9760-KBDs
capabilities for direct mode operation as a controller for CXTA use independent of its nor-
mal association with the 9760 System. We therefore consider the following installation con-
3.2.1 DIRECT MODE (P Protocol)
In direct mode, two possibilities are:
1. A single translator hooked up in direct mode, or
2. Two translators hooked up in direct mode; the first connected to COM1 and the sec-
ond connected to COM 2 of the keyboard.
The second possibility (item 2) encompasses the first, so an installation illustrating it is
shown in Figure 13.
You cannot cascade
translators off a COM port
on a CM9760-KBD when
using direct mode operation
because only 16 receivers
can be interfaced at a time
on any one COM port of the
KBD; however, you can
connect one translator by
paralleling off COM 1 of the
KBD by utilizing the empty
RJ-45 out connector on the
Universal Power Supply
(UPS) used with the KBD
and, at the same time,
connect another translator
to COM 2 of the KBD to
support a total of 32
Coaxitron ports.