24 C695M-B (11/03)
DAYLIGHT SAVING Select the country to set daylight saving time (DST).
If you select a European country, the date format changes to DD/MM/YYYY. For all other countries, the date format
is MM/DD/YYYY. The default is US.
NOTE: After changing the daylight saving setting, the unit temporarily pauses all recording until SETUP mode is
exited. Therefore, you should exit SETUP mode as soon as possible.
When you exit SETUP MODE after changing DAYLIGHT SAVING, the DX3100 performs a file scan process of all
recorded files. This procedure may take several minutes, during which time you cannot enter SETUP or PLAYBACK
mode. The word “SCAN” appears on the monitor display.
IR REMOTE ID Select the IR remote controller identification code (00-99). Any IR remote controller that is set to this number can
access this DX3100. The default is 01.
PTZ PROTOCOL Select the Pelco protocol for controlling PTZ receivers that are connected to the unit. Choose between PELCO D,
PELCO P and NONE. The default is NONE.
Since this is a global setting, all receivers attached to this unit must be configured for the same protocol.
NOTE: Baud rates for Pelco P and Pelco D protocols are fixed at 4800 and 2400 respectively. Therefore, receiver
protocol baud rate settings should correspond.