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Figure 80. Completing the Setup for a Pattern
To run a pattern
1. In single-screen mode display the camera for which you want to run a pattern, and then click the PTZ button on the PTZ controls (Figure 77).
The PTZ buttons expand to display controls for patterns and presets.
2. Select a pattern number in the Pattern list, and then click RUN.
To set up a preset
1. In single-screen mode, select the camera for which you want to set up a preset, and then click the PTZ button on the PTZ controls
(Figure 81). The PTZ buttons expand to display controls for patterns and presets.
Figure 81. Setting Up a Preset
2. Select a preset number in the Preset list, and then click SET.
3. Use the PTZ control buttons to reposition the camera in the desired position. You can use any of the following commands:
• Pan the camera to the right or left.
• Tilt the camera up or down.
• Zoom in or out.
• Refocus the lens.
4. When you are finished, click SET again.
Figure 82. Completing the Setup for a Preset
To run a preset
1. In single-screen mode, select the camera channel on which you want to run a preset, and then click the PTZ button on the PTZ controls.