C4631M-A (8/10) 53
Instant Backup
The instant backup feature allows you to manually back up data. The backup settings unique to the instant backup mode are as follows:
• Schedule Start: Unavailable and is not used.
• Time Range Date: Sets the date of the backup process.
• Time Range Start: Sets the starting time (in hours and minutes) within the recorded data base where the backup process begins.
• Time Range End: Sets the ending time (in hours and minutes) within the recorded data base where the backup process ends.
To manually back up data:
1. Connect or insert the backup media.
2. From the System menu, click Backup.
3. Click the Partition Selection box, and select a partition setting.
4. Click the Schedule box, and select INSTANT.
5. Click the Time Range Date box, and select a date.
6. Repeat steps 5 to configure the other times.
Figure 36. Instant Backup Schedule
7. Click Estimate to make sure the backup media has enough space.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Start. The “Would you like to start backup dialog” box appears.
10. Click OK. The backup process starts (no backup status information is displayed).
11. Exit the Setup menu.