Pelco Manual C1470M (9/97) 5
Wire Gauge
Maximum distance from transformer to load
Table B. 24 VAC Wiring Distances
The following are the recommended maximum distances for 24 VAC applications
and are calculated with a 10-percent voltage drop. (10-percent is generally the
maximum allowable voltage drop for AC-powered devices.)
22 20 18 16 14 12 10
10 178 283 451 716 1142 1811 2880
(54) (86) (137) (218) (348) (551) (877)
20 89 141 225 358 571 905 1440
(27) (42) (68) (109) (174) (275) (438)
30 59 94 150 238 380 603 960
(17) (28) (45) (72) (115) (183) (292)
40 44 70 112 179 285 452 720
(13) (21) (34) (54) (86) (137) (219)
50 35 56 90 143 228 362 576
(10) (17) (27) (43) (69) (110) (175)
60 29 47 75 119 190 301 480
(8) (14) (22) (36) (57) (91) (146)
70 25 40 64 102 163 258 411
(7) (12) (19) (31) (49) (78) (125)
80 22 35 56 89 142 226 360
(6) (10) (17) (27) (43) (68) (109)
90 19 31 50 79 126 201 320
(5) (9) (15) (24) (38) (61) (97)
100 17 28 45 71 114 181 288
(5) (8) (13) (21) (34) (55) (87)
110 16 25 41 65 103 164 261
(4) (7) (12) (19) (31) (49) (79)
120 14 23 37 59 95 150 240
(4) (7) (11) (17) (28) (45) (73)
130 13 21 34 55 87 139 221
(3) (6) (10) (16) (26) (42) (67)
140 12 20 32 51 81 129 205
(3) (6) (9) (15) (24) (39) (62)
150 11 18 30 47 76 120 192
(3) (5) (9) (14) (23) (36) (58)
160 11 17 28 44 71 113 180
(3) (5) (8) (13) (21) (34) (54)
170 10 16 26 42 67 106 169
(3) (4) (7) (12) (20) (32) (51)
180 9 15 25 39 63 100 160
(2) (4) (7) (11) (19) (30) (48)
190 9 14 23 37 60 95 151
(2) (4) (7) (11) (18) (28) (46)
200 8 14 22 35 57 90 144
(2) (4) (6) (10) (17) (27) (43)
Total vA consumed
An enclosure that re-
quires 80 vA and is installed 35 feet
(10 m) from the transformer would
require a minimum wire gauge of
20 Awg.
Distances are calculated
in feet; values in parentheses are
Table A. Video Coaxial Cable Wiring Distances
Cable Type* Maximum Distance
RG59 750 ft (229 m)
RG 6 1,000 ft (305 m)
RG11 1,500 ft (457 m)
* Minimum cable requirements:
75 ohms impedance
All-copper center conductor
All-copper braided shield with 95% braid coverage