C2655M-A (10/08) 25
Refer to the WS5000 operation manual (C2624M) for details on how to access and configure the video inputs on the NET5308T-EXP. Configure
the NET5300B before you configure any video inputs on the NET5308T-EXP.
NOTE: To make sure that all diagnostic messages will appear to a system operator, leave at least one Endura workstation or VCD5000 video
console display running at all times.
Figure 24. Front Panel Layout (Without Bezel)
Pelco badge (power): The Pelco badge glows blue when the unit has power. If the front bezel is open, this indicator glows white.
USB Video Operation (two per input): The USB video operation indicator shows the status for each video input. The left indicator
shows the status of the primary video stream; the right indicator shows the status of the secondary video stream.
• Green: Camera video is present at the video input connector. Video is streaming correctly.
• Blink On: When the indicator is not lit, but blinks about once a second, camera video is present at the video input connector, but
video is not streaming. The video stream may have been disabled by a system operator or there may be a different problem. (Refer to
Troubleshooting on page 27 for possible solutions.)
• Blink Off: When the indicator is lit, but double blinks off about once a second, there is video loss at the video input connector;
however, the video stream is still active. Check the video input device.
• Off: The video stream is inactive.
Power Button: Use the power button to turn the unit on and off (refer to Unit Startup and Unit Shutdown on page 26).
USB Video Status (unit): The unit USB video status indicator shows the video status for all video inputs for the unit. Status is
indicated as follows:
• Off: The video on all channels is functioning properly.
• Red: One or more video channels are not operating correctly, either because of video loss or a channel transmission problem. Open
the front bezel to identify the affected channels.
Unit Status: Unit status is indicated by one of the following three colors:
• Green (solid): The unit is functioning normally.
• Green (blink): The unit has been started but has not been connected to the NET5300B.
• Amber: The unit is in configuration mode (only when NET5300B is updating unit software).
• Red: The unit has an error condition (refer to Troubleshooting on page 27).