cover begins to pull away from the frame, relocate the tool
under the cover towards the interior as shown, then pull
the tool away from the frame to continue the release of the
cover barbs from the frame.
of the cover. Slide the tool over while pulling the cover
away from the frame. This will release the flexible barbs
on the interior side of the cover, which will aid in cover
removal. Continue sliding along the length of the cover
while pulling it away from the
frame until it is removed.
remove the other Interior
If installing a single Casement,
Large Awning or Fixed unit less
than 42" in width, go to Step E.
If installing a Standard Awning, multiple window combinations, or units greater than 42"
in width, go to Step C.
C. Remove Interior Frame Cover #2.
The cover on vent units where the crank handle and roto-cover will be located.
For Standard Awning, single units greater than 42" in height and multiple window
closest to where the crank
handle will be located, insert
the tool between the sash and
of insertion used for Interior
Note: Insert the tool under
Interior Frame Cover #2 next
to the FRAME CORNER (C2).
the cover as shown and continue to pull up to release the barbs from the kerfs.
4. When the cover has been released near the crank handle cut-out, reposition the tool
with the hook under the front edge of the cover. Slide the tool over while pulling up on
the cover. Continue along the length of the cover until it is removed.
Note: Take note of the
cover support bracket
around the roto operator
hardware, (on the sill of
casement and large awning
units and on the jamb of
standard awning units) as the
cover support bracket will be
referenced when re-installing
Interior Frame Cover #2.
$ /05&