18 www.petsafe.net
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Stimulation
safe for my pet?
While the Stimulation is unpleasant, it is
harmless to your pet. Electronic training devices
require interaction and training from the owner
to achieve desired results.
How old does a pet
have to be before
using the PetSafe
350 m / 900 m
Series Remote
The system should only be used with pets who
are over 6 months of age. If your pet is injured
or its mobility is otherwise impaired, contact
your veterinarian or professional trainer before
use. Your pet should be able to learn basic
obedience commands such as “Sit” or “Stay”.
Can I attach a lead
to the Receiver
Do not attach a lead to the collar. This can
result in pulling the Contact Points too tightly
against your pet’s neck. Attach a lead to a
separate, non-metallic collar or harness, making
sure the extra collar does not put pressure on
the Contact Points.
Once my pet is
trained and has
been obeying my
commands, will he
have to continue to
wear the Receiver
Probably not. He may need to wear the Receiver
Collar from time to time for reinforcement.
Is the Receiver
Yes. Both the 350 m/900 m Receiver Collars
are waterproof.
Can I use the
350 m / 900 m
Series Remote
Trainers with
more than
one pet?
Yes. An Add-A-Dog
Receiver Collar must be
purchased to have a Two Dog System.