EN 13
For remote control with AAA batteries (side
by side):
For remote control with CR2032 (3V)
EasyLink controls
Note: EasyLink controls are available when
the connected device is HDMI-CEC
EasyLink allows you to control your TV and
other HDMI-CEC devices with one remote
Access EasyLink controls
1. While you view content from a connected
HDMI-CEC device, press OPTIONS.
2. Select [Show device keys], then press
3. Select the EasyLink control button, then
press OK.
Read more on EasyLink in Use more of
your TV > Use EasyLink (Page 33).
Smartphone control
Use your smartphone as a secondary
remote, and even as a keyboard. You can
also view a slideshow of the images in your
smartphone on the TV. To download the
application 'Philips My Remote', visit the
Apple Apps store or the Android Market.
Follow the instructions provided at the
applications store.
Ensure that your TV and smartphone are
connected to the same local network. Read
more about network connections in
Connect your TV > Computers and the
Internet (Page 53).
Watch TV
Switch TV on or off
Switch the TV on
Press the power switch at the base of
the TV to the ON position.
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