Installing the
Option Key
Installing the Option Key
The Option key for Planar’s Big Picture
and/or for SiFi is
shipped separately and installed on site. The Option key can be
installed without removing the control board.
1 Attach a ground strap to your wrist and the chassis.
WARNING! Failure to properly use a grounding strap can destroy sensi-
tive electronic components in the control board.
2 Turn off the power on the c50R/c67R and remove the
power cord.
WARNING! Always turn off power and remove the power cord when
adding or removing an electronic part.
3 Remove the two screws and the small plate on the bottom
of the control board.
4 Remove the Option key from its shipping pouch and anti-
static bag.
5 The Option key has six pins.
Plug the key into the socket on
the control board. Be sure all
six pins go in. If only one row of
pins is connected, the whole
display may not function.
6 The Option key is now installed.
7 Using the two screws you set
aside earlier, reinstall the
Option Key cover plate.