Once it's on, you don't want to take it off! A gateway to improved wellbeing with a touch of a button!
ACTIVITY - Allow yourself to be inspired in the open air.
Walking slowly or briskly? What's the effect on your fitness? - See live
feedback on Activity Zones and intensity. How much of your hiking time has
been beneficial to your health? - Check the Active Time vs Total Time
ENVIRONMENT - Enjoy it safely and discover what’s really around you.
Want to know which way the weather's heading? - Check barometric trend and
be prepared. Want to know how much elevation you have gained since the last
stop? - Altitude difference can tell you just that.
BODY - Just press START and move!
How intensively are you moving? When to have a break and a snack? - One
glance to see your work rate and keep you on track without exhausting
yourself. How many calories did you burn and how high did you hike? For
those and more, check the File after your activity.
4 Your Polar AW200 Activity Watch - Benefits