• Thisguaranteedoesnotaffecttheconsumer’sstatutoryrightsunderapplicablenationalorstatelawsinforce,ortheconsumer’srightsagainstthe
dealer arising from their sales/purchase contract.
• ThislimitedPolarinternationalguaranteeisissuedbyPolarElectroInc.forconsumerswhohavepurchasedthisproductintheUSAorCanada.This
limited Polar international guarantee is issued by Polar Electro Oy for consumers who have purchased this product in other countries.
• PolarElectroOy/PolarElectroInc.guaranteestheoriginalconsumer/purchaserofthisdevicethattheproductwillbefreefromdefectsinmaterialor
workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase.
• The receipt of the original purchase is your proof of purchase!
• Theguaranteedoesnotcoverthebattery,normalwearandtear,damageduetomisuse,abuse,accidentsornon-compliancewiththeprecautions;
improper maintenance, commercial use, cracked, broken or scratched cases/displays, elastic strap and Polar apparel.
• Theguaranteedoesnotcoveranydamage/s,losses,costsorexpenses,direct,indirectorincidental,consequentialorspecial,arisingoutof,or
related to the product.
• Itemspurchasedsecondhandarenotcoveredbythetwo(2)yearwarranty,unlessotherwisestipulatedbylocallaw.
• Duringtheguaranteeperiod,theproductwillbeeitherrepairedorreplacedatanyoftheauthorizedPolarServiceCentersregardlessofthecountryof
Guarantee with respect to any product will be limited to countries where the product has been initially marketed.
This CE marking shows compliance of this product with Directive 93/42/EEC.
This marking shows that Polar products are electronic devices and are in the scope of Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries and accumulators used in products are in the scope of Directive
2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and
accumulators. These products and batteries/accumulators inside Polar products should thus be disposed of separately in EU countries.
This marking shows that the product is protected against electric shocks.