• If your sensor is already taught, select No.
• If your sensor has not been taught yet, see 11. Using a New Accessory for more information on
Power settings: You need to enter the chain weight (g), chain length (mm) and span length (mm) into
the cycling computer to measure correct power information.
Select Settings > Bike > Bike1, Bike 2 or Bike 3 > Power > Settings and
> Set chain weight xxxx g > OK
> Set chain length xxx mm > OK
> Set span length xxx mm > OK
For further information on Power settings, consult the Power Output user manual.
Use Polar ProTrainer 5 software for Power settings.
*Optional sensor required.
Cadence*: On / Off
You can install an optional Polar Cadence Sensor onto your bicycle.
To activate the cadence sensor in your cycling computer, select Settings > Bike > Bike 1 > Cadence > On.
Teach new sensor? is displayed.
• If your sensor is already taught, select No.
• If your sensor has not been taught yet, see 11. Using a New Accessory for more information on
User Settings
Enter accurate user information in the cycling computer to receive the correct feedback on your
To set user information in the cycling computer, select Settings > User
• Weight: To change units, press and hold LIGHT
• Height: To change units, press and hold LIGHT
• Birthday: dd=day, mm=month, yy=year
• Sex: Male/Female
• Activity: Top/High/Moderate/Low
• Heart Rate: HR
, HR
• VO2max: Maximal oxygen intake
Activity Level
Activity level is an assessment of your level of long-term physical activity. Select the alternative that
best describes the overall amount and intensity of your physical activity during the past three months.
• Top: You participate in heavy physical exercise at least 5 times a week, or you exercise to improve
performance for competitive purposes.
• High: You participate at least 3 times a week in heavy physical exercise, e.g. you cycle 2-4 hours
(40-120 km / 25-75 miles) per week or spend that time in comparable physical activity.
• Moderate: You participate regularly in recreational sports, e.g. you cycle 1/2-2 hours (15-40 km /
3-25 miles) per week or spend that time in comparable physical activity, or your work requires
modest physical activity.
• Low: You do not participate regularly in recreational sport or heavy physical activity, e.g. you
exercise hard enough to cause heavy breathing or perspiration only occasionally.
Polar CS600X User Manual 34