This week
The dates on which the data was collected
Sport zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Time per zone
Totals Since xx.xx.xxxx
To view totals of the training files go to MENU > Data > Totals since and press OK.
Sport zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Time per zone
Delete Files
To delete a training file, select MENU > DATA > Delete files > Training file and press OK. Browse the files
with UP/DOWN buttons and select the file you want to delete. Press OKDelete file? YES/NO is displayed. If
you select YES, File deletedis displayed. After thatRemove file from totals? is displayed. If you select YES
, File deleted from totals is displayed. If you select NO, the training computer returns to the training file
To delete all files select, MENU > DATA > Delete files > All filesand press OK. Delete all files? YES/NO is
displayed. Select YES and All files deleted is displayed. If you select NO training computer returns to the
training all files menu.
Reset Week Summaries
To reset weeks summaries select MENU > DATA >Reset week summaries?. Select Yes and Week summaries
reset is displayed or No and the training computer returns to Data menu.
Reset Trip
To reset trip select MENU > DATAReset trip?. Select Yes and Trip reset is displayed or Noand the training
computer returns to Data menu.
Reset Totals
To reset totals select MENU > DATAReset totals? Select Yes and Totals reset is displayed or No and the
training computer returns to Data menu.
After Training 25