Watch Settings
Select the value you want to change and press the
RED button. Adjust the values with UP/DOWN and
accept with the RED button.
Access watch settings by selecting UP/DOWN >
Settings > Watch.
Time and Date Settings
Set the local time (Time 1) and a time difference
to it (Time 2). With Time zone, you can select
which time zone is used. In Time view, you can
easily change the time zone from Time 1 to Time 2
by pressing and holding DOWN.
Set the date with Date setting.
You can create an event in the training computer's
memory. The computer will display the number of
days till the event when you press and hold UP in
Time view.
1. Select Event from the Watch settings menu.
2. Set the Date of the event.
3. Select a name for the event.
To change event details, access the Event
• View: View the name and the date of the current
• Date: Change the date of the event.
• Rename: Rename the current event.
• Delete: Delete the current event.
30 Settings