Limits 1/ 2/ 3: Target zone limits 1, 2 or 3 are displayed if you
exercised with an Exercise Set and the limits were on during
InZone 1/ Above 1/ Below 1, InZone 2/ Above 2/ Below 2,
InZone 3/ Above 3/ Below 3: Times spent in, above and below
target zone 1, 2 or 3 (the values alternate in the display). These
were calculated when the particular limits were used.
Rid. Time (S150): Cumulative riding time during several exercise
sessions starting from the previous resetting.
Odometer (S150): Cumulative cycled distance of several exercise
sessions starting from the previous resetting.
LAPS: Lap information, displayed if laps were recorded during
the exercise.
Start with the display showing LAPS and number of recorded laps.
Press OK. Scroll up or down to recall the recorded laps:
Split time
Lap time
S150: speed at the end of the lap
Lap number
Heart rate at the end of the lap and
average heart rate of the lap (two
values alternating in the lower row).
Press Stop to exit laps recall.
Resetting the wrist receiver and battery replacement reset the
cumulative counts (Tot. Time, Rid. Time, Odometer). Therefore,
we recommend keeping a training diary.
manual S120 150 USA GBR A 30.1.2002, 14:4234