1. Start from the Time of day display. Press OK to enter the Measuring mode.
2. If you want to swap the preset exercise set, press and hold the up button
until the exercise set (E1-E5) is swapped. Release. Repeat until desired
exercise set is displayed.
3. To start exercising and recording the preset exercise type press OK.
Starting an exercise set
3. Select the lower row information
Press and hold the down button to select from the following:
Current heart rate, average heart rate (avg) or the reading in
percentages of your maximum heart rate (% max) if you have set your
user information. If you have pace limits on you can also select the pace
difference value to the lower row.
You can only change the displayed function of the lower row if the
stopwatch is on.
The pace difference value indicates the time you are running slower/
faster from your preset target pace. If the value is negative you are
running faster than your target pace and vice versa.
*Optional Polar Cadence Sensor or Polar Power Output Sensor required.
You can configure the middle and upper rows either in the Measuring
and Recording mode.
1. Select the middle row information
Press the down button briefly to select the desired display alternative.
When you swap the middle row information, the upper and lower rows
change also. Continue selecting the upper and lower rows.
2. Select the upper row information
Press the up button briefly to select from the following:
Time of day (Time), stopwatch (Sw), lap time (Lp),
or if you have turned the functions on select from:
calorie expenditure (Cal), trip (Trip), current speed (Spd), average speed
(Avg speed), maximum speed (Max speed), pace (Pc), cadence* (Cad),
altitude (Alt), ascended meters (Asc), output power* (Pwr), left right
pedaling balance* (L - R), pedaling index* (PI).
You cannot select the same displayed function to the upper and middle row
i. e. the option on the middle row is no longer available for the upper row.
Phase Name
When you have set your Interval
Training Set on, you will have one
extra display. You can only change the
lower row for this display. See the
alternative phase displays from
“Exercising with Interval Training Set”