Polaroid PDC 1050 Digital Camera User Guide
Polaroid PDC 1050 Digital Camera User Guide
Indoor Pictures
• Setting Flash Mode
The Flash Range is approximately 3 to 6 feet (1 to 2 metres).
1. Turn on the camera.
2. Set the camera to
3. Press button to cycle through the Flash Mode until the one you want
is shown on the LCD screen.
Flash Mode on, the ash res for every picture. Use this setting in
high-contrast situations to provide ll-light or use it indoors in low
Flash Mode off, the ash does not re. Use this setting for outdoor
pictures or where ash is prohibited or may be distracting. Also use
when shooting toward a reective surface, such as a window or
mirror. If you do not have enough light when using this setting, your
pictures will be too dark.
Auto Flash Mode, the ash res automatically as needed. Use this
setting to take most pictures.