the audience will be returned to the current slide each time a new slide is
displayed by the presenter.
To enable “Slide Navigation,” check Slide Navigation (See Figure 4-35).
Fig. 4-35
4.6 Q&A Screen
Accordent PresenterPRO includes Q&A functionality that enables audience
members to submit questions to the presenter. Questions can either be submitted
to a prescribed email address or, by using the moderated Q&A feature, submitted
and reviewed directly in the Presentation Manager or at a prescribed web location.
4.6.1 Email Q&A
Select the “Email” field to enable the presenter to receive emailed questions at a
prescribed email address (See Figure 4-36).
Fig. 4-36
The “Email Address” field will appear (See Figure 4-37).
Fig. 4-37
Enter the email address to which questions should be sent
If no email address is entered, the email field will still be included in the
client-side interface but emails will not be received by the presenter.
4.6.2 Moderated Q&A
Accordent PresenterPRO also includes a moderated Q&A feature that is
configured to automatically deliver questions directly to the Presentation Manager
and to organize questions in the order in which they are received and reviewed.
Questions also can be directed to a unique web location where a moderator can
review questions before forwarding questions directly to the presenter.