
SpectraLink 8020/8030 Wireless Telephone: Administration Guide for SIP
64 PN: 1725-36038-001_B.doc
Key Number English Number + English Punctuation
7 7 p q r s 7 P Q R S 7 P Q R S p q r s [ ] 7
8 8 t u v 8 T U V 8 T U V t u v ‘ “ \ 8
9 9 w x y z 9 W X Y Z 9 W X Y Z w x y z ^ _ 9
0 0 @ - _ 0 = , < > 0 - _ [space] 0
* . * . $ * & % + ( ) * . * . = + / -
# @ * [space] , ( ) | # [space] # ! ? $ %
Favorites menu
The Favorites menu assists you in dialing by providing access to a
predefined list of dial numbers. The predefined list can include either
complete dial numbers for named parties or partial numbers that
need additional data entry. This might be the case, for example, if a
PBX feature access code for call forwarding is defined in the favorites
list but you need to add the forwarding destination information
before sending the call to the PBX to activate the feature.
While in a dialing state, press the
Favr softkey to display a menu of
pre-defined numbers or names that can be dialed (as programmed in
the SIP TFTP configuration file.) When an item is selected from the
list, the dial number is displayed. You may edit or add digits to the
displayed number if necessary before pressing the
NavOK key or START
to place the call. When using the Favorites menu to perform a blind
transfer to someone on the list, select an entry from the Favorites
menu and then press
FCN and select Transfer.
FCN menu
The FCN menu is accessible while in the active mode and provides
these features:
Do Not Disturb
Set/Clear Forward
Items on this menu are accessible through navigation and selection
keys or through short-cut keys as displayed with the menu items.
OAI functions are automatically added as items at the end of this
menu when defined on an OAI server.