Chapter 3 - Configuring Network Use
© Polycom, Inc. 3-21
To configure crypto resync:
1. Go to System Info > Admin Setup > Security > Crypto Resync.
2. Configure these settings:
You may need to use crypto resync when you connect a cryptographic coder/decoder
between the system and the network. This allows the system to signal the cryptographic
device when video synchronization is interrupted.
Setting Description
Crypto Resync Allows a system connected to cryptographic equipment to
signal when it loses video synchronization during a call.
The cryptographic equipment can then resynchronize
with the far end.
When this option is enabled, the resynchronization pulses
are sent out on the RTS signal.
To use this option, the cable to your cryptographic
equipment should route the V.35/RS-449/RS-530 network
interface module’s RTS signal to the appropriate resync
input on the cryptographic equipment. The equipment’s
RTS input can be connected to the V.35/RS-449/RS-530
network interface module’s DTR output or tied high.
Time Between Pulses (sec) Specifies the time between resync pulses in seconds.
Pulse Width (millisec) Specifies the pulse duration in milliseconds.