S Always push the unit slowly over the
ground. Stay alert for uneven sidewalks,
holes in the t errain, large roots, etc.
WARNING: Inspect area before
starting unit. Remove all debris and hard ob-
jects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can
ricochet, bethrown,or ot herwise cause injur y
or damage during operat ion.
S Do no t set un i t o n an y surface e xcept aclean,
hard area while engine is running. Debris
such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc. , could
be picked up by the air intake and thrown out
through discharge opening, damaging unit,
property, or causing serious injury to
bystanders or operator.
S Neve r place objects inside the blower tubes,
vacuum tubes or bl ower outlet. Alw ays direct
the blowing debris away from people,
animals, glass, and so lid objects such as
trees, a utomobiles, walls, et c. The f orceof air
can ca userocks, dirt,or sti cks t obethro wno r
to ricochet which can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or cause other damage.
S Neve r run unit without the proper
equipment attached. When using your unit
as a blower, always install blower tubes.
S Check a ir intake opening, blower tubes or
vacuum tubes frequently, always with
engine stopped and spar k plug
disconnected. Keep vents and discharge
tubes free of debris which can accumulate
and restr ict proper air flow.
S Neve r place any object in air in take opening
as this coul d restrict p roper air flow andca use
damage to the unit.
S Neve r u se for spreading chemicals, fe rtilizers,
or other su bstances which m ay contain toxic
S To avoid s preading fire, donot usenear leaf or
brush fires, fir eplaces, barbecue pi ts,
ashtra ys, e tc.
WARNING: Rotating tines can cause
seri ous i njury. Keep away f rom rota ting tines.
Stop the engine and disco nnect the spark plug
before uncl ogging tines or making repair s.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cultivatedbefore starting theunit. Removeall
debris and hard and sharp objects such as
rocks, vines, b ranches, rope, string, etc.
S Avoid heavy contact with solid objects that
might stop the tines. If heavy cont act
occu rs, stopthe engineand inspect the unit
for damage.
S Never opera te the cu ltivator wi thout the ti ne
cover in pl ace and properly secured.
S Keep the tines and guard clear of debris.
S After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine, disconnect the spark plug and
inspect the cultivator for damage. Repair
before restarting.
S Disconnect attachmen t f rom the drive engin e
before cleaning the tines with a hose and
water to removeany build--up. Oil the tines to
preven t rust.
S Alwa ys wear gloves when servicin g o r
cleaning the tines. The tines become very
sharp fro m use.
S Do not run u nit at high speed unless
HANDS A WAY FROM BL A DE -- Bl a d e mo ve s
momentarily af ter the trigger is released or the
engine is turned off. Do not attempt to cl ear
away cut m aterial when the blade is in motion.
Make sure engine is sto pped, th e spark plug
wire is di sconnected, and t hebladehas stopp ed
moving before removing j ammed material from
the cuttingblade. Do not g rab or holdthe unit b y
the cutti ng blade.
WARNING: Inspect the area before
starti n g the unit. Remove all debris and har d
objects su ch as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that
can ricochet, be thr own, or otherwise cause
injury or damage during operation.
S Do not use a cutt ing blade that i s ben t,
warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any
other wa y . Ha ve worn or damaged part s
replaced by an authorized service dealer.
S Always keep unit in front of your body.
Keep all parts of your body away from t he
cutting blade.
S Keep th ecutt ingbladeand airvents clearof
WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/
rotating chain can cause severe injury. I n-
spect the unitbefore use. Donot operate unit
with abent,cracked ordullblade ordullchain.
Keep away from the blade/chain.
WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/
rotating chain is sharp. Do not to uch. Topre-
vent serious injury, always st op engine and
ensure blade/chainhas st opped moving, dis-
connect spar k plug, and wear gloves when
changing or handling the blade or chain.